Unheard Miracle of the Prophet ﷺ ✋⛲️

29 Dhul Hijjah I 1445 AH


Salaamun ‘Alaykum,

Welcome to today’s edition of the Daily Nurture.

Abu Qatadah رضي الله عنه says that when the Companions رضي الله عنهم were on the expedition of Tabuk, which was one month’s travel in going and returning, they passed by a place in the Arabian desert where they camped. There was no water and so the Messenger of Allah asked,

“O Abu Qatadah! Where is that waterskin?”. He replied, “O Messenger of Allah , it has dried out”. The Noble Prophet asked whether there was anything at all in the water skin, even if it be small. He replied, “O Messenger of Allah , there is but a little but if we try to pour it out, the skin might absorb it”. The Prophet requested it and thereafter called for a tub to be brought. He rolled up his sleeve, placed his hand in it and said, “O Abu Qatadah, pour the water [upon my hand]”.

Abu Qatadah slowly poured a few drops onto the blessed hand of the Messenger of Allah and from in between his fingers, water started gushing forth like a fountain. Abu Qatadah says, “It [water] started coming out, gushing forth from between his fingers like fountains”.1

Hafiz ibn Hajar explains that this occurrence could have two explanations:

  1. When he placed his hand in the tub, the water that was poured into the tub was increased due to the blessed hand of the Messenger of Allah

  2. It actually came out from his fingers

It is important to note at this point that this miracle was directly from Allah ﷻ. Just in the way it is Allah ﷻ who can bring out water from dry land as fountains, He can bring out water from the body of the human being too. He [Allah ﷻ] has the power of, ‘Be, and it comes to be (كن فيكون)’.

1 Sahih al-Bukhari