The Life of the Prophet ﷺ: The First Revelations

13 Muharram I 1446 AH

Friday reminder to read Surah Kahf and send abundant Durood and Salutations on the Prophet ﷺ.

Salaamun ‘Alaykum,

Welcome to today’s edition of the Daily Nurture, wherein we cover a short glimpse and overview of the Life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ : The First Revelations.

According it Islamic tradition, in 610, while sitting the cave He [ﷺ] had come to many times before, Muhammad [ﷺ] experienced something new. An angel suddenly appeared to him in the cave, commanding him, “Read!”. He responded that he did not know how. Like most people in Makkah, Muhammad [ﷺ] was illiterate. Again, the angel demanded he read. Again, Muhammad [ﷺ] responded that he was unable to. A third time, the angel demanded he read, and for a third time, Muhammad [ﷺ] responded that he was unable to. The angel then recited to him the first verses of the Qur’an to be revealed:

Recite, in the name of thy Lord who created

He created man from a clot of blood.

Recite, and they Lord is the Most Bountiful

He who hath taught by the pen

Taught man what he knew not.

Surah ‘Alaq (96)

He [ﷺ] repeated the words of the angel, who then informed him that is Jibreel [عليه السلام], an angel sent by the one God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Shaken and scared, Muhammad [ﷺ] rushed home, not knowing what to make of the encounter. He was comforted by Khadijah [رضي الله عنها], who believed his account of the encounter in the cave. She asked her cousin, who was familiar with Jewish and Christian scriptures, what this could mean. When he heard of what happened, he immediately accepted Muhammad as the messenger of his time, like Musa and ‘Isa [علهيما السلام] before him. Consoled by his wife and her cousin, Muhammad [ﷺ] accepted his mission of the Messenger of Allah, and his life as the Prophet began.

In the next edition, we continue of the story of the First Revelations and hardships and difficulty faced in preaching the message of monotheism.